About the database: HKU Libraries has created this database by compiling and indexing more than 2,000 items kindly deposited by the former Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Ltd. with the assistance of Center of Asian Studies, University of Hong Kong. This database is the first of its kind produced in Hong Kong in which library users may search or browse it by list of companies, artifacts, audiovisual materials, company papers ...etc. Searches can also be done by sorting the titles or years.
About the collection: The Stock Market Archives and Artifacts Collection (SMAAC) is a collection founded under the Hong Kong Stock Market History Project, Center of Asian Studies, University of Hong Kong which was commissioned by the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong and was commenced in August 1996. This spectacular collection contains more than 2,000 items of valuable documents, archival materials and artifacts of the four former Stock Exchanges (Hong Kong Stock Exchange Ltd., Far East Exchange Ltd., Kam Ngan Stock Exchange Ltd., and Kowloon Stock Exchange Ltd.). Of all the valuable documents and archival materials, the Far East Exchange Ltd. apparently contributed the majority of the items covering the years mostly from 1970s to 1980s. Another significant feature of the SMAAC can be referred to a series of oral history interviews which were conducted by the research team of the Project from 1996 to 1997. The interviewees were among the most experienced market practitioners, directors and managers of the former Exchanges, bankers, professionals and ex-official members of regulatory bodies. The research team also acquired a number of CO129 documents in which the Governors wrote to the Secretary of State regarding the sale of shares in the 1890s. Some interesting artifacts such as photographs, certificates, silver plates, coins ... etc., audiovisual materials relating to stock markets in the 1980s, and reference literature such as directories, handbooks, periodicals ...etc. are included as part of the SMAAC as well.
Access: The Stock Market Archives and Artifacts Collection is now kept in the Special Collections of the University of Hong Kong Libraries. Users who wish to consult the Collection may enquire in person at the Special Collections, by telephone at +852 2859 2207, by fax at + 852 2857 2048, or by email at specol@lib.hku.hk.
Acknowledgement: We would like to express our appreciation to the former Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Ltd. for depositing the valuable documents and archival materials of the former four Exchanges at the Special Collections on a permanent basis since 1998.