《香港口述歷史檔案計劃》由香港大學亞洲研究中心及社會學系聯合主持,於 2001 至 2004 年間共收集了約 200 個口述歷史檔案,這些檔案記錄了不同階層、族群、行業、團體、社區人士的第一身經驗和個人記憶。訪談採用人生歷程和主題取向並重的方向,記錄受訪者生命中的重要記憶,例如出生、家庭、學習、教育、就業、移民、家鄉聯繫、婚姻、居住與社區、娛樂與社交,社會和政治參與,以至個別重要史事的見證。訪談的記錄已整理成數碼檔案,由香港大學圖書館與亞洲研究中心合作編彙成《香港口述歷史檔案庫》,以供學術及教育等非牟利用途。
The Hong Kong Oral History Archives Project was jointly operated by the Centre of Asian Studies and Department of Sociology of The University of Hong Kong. During 2001 and 2004, the Project has organized a collection of over 200 oral histories. The collection contains memories of individuals from a diversity of sectors, ethnic groups, trades and occupations, associations and communities. The interviews recorded pivotal points in an interviewee’s life, such as his/her birth, family and marriage, schooling and education, employment, migration and connections with his/her home place, residence and community, leisure and social life, as well as their observation and witnesses of special historical events. The interview records have been edited into digitized materials. HKU Libraries and the Centre of Asian Studies have jointly compiled the materials into the Hong Kong Oral History Archives for use of academic, educational and non-profit making purposes.